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Transfer Applicants

Transfer Credits from Community College in Georgia to DeVry

Classes Start Every 8 Weeks

Whether you know exactly where you're heading, or you're still planning your next steps, it all starts with a simple conversation. Let’s talk.

To help identify qualifying college credits you have that may apply to your DeVry University program, DeVry has special transfer guides, as well as formal agreements and relationships with other schools through articulation agreements and/or Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs).

Transfer guides provide a list of course equivalencies. DeVry’s articulation agreements and MOUs further support transfer opportunities and may also include course equivalencies to help you better understand credit transferability.

Below is a list of community colleges, independent two-year institutions, technical schools and other entities in Georgia for which DeVry University has such transfer tools. You’ll also see other institutions students often attend before transferring to DeVry. Prior credit is evaluated individually to maximize your transferable credit.

Apply qualifying credits you’ve already earned toward a DeVry program. Even if you don’t see your school or academic program listed, your qualifying credits may transfer. Contact a DeVry admissions representative by requesting information to learn more about transferring your credit and to receive an individualized transfer credit evaluation.

Transfer Guides

Through its two types of Transfer Guides, DeVry helps you see how qualifying credits from your prior college courses may apply at DeVry to help you take your education to the next level sooner.

  • DeVry’s Transfer Advantage60 (TA60) Transfer Guides help students with qualifying associate degrees transfer 60 credit hours toward one of two DeVry bachelor’s degree programs. Learn more about this block credit transfer option through DeVry’s Transfer Advantage60 Pledge.

  • DeVry’s other Transfer Guides help applicants with any number of prior college credits determine how that qualifying credit may be applied to DeVry program requirements.

Interactive College of Technology

Technical College System of Georgia

Albany Technical College
Athens Technical College
Atlanta Technical College
Augusta Technical College
Central Georgia Technical College
Chattahoochee Technical College
Coastal Pines Technical College
Columbus Technical College
Georgia Northwestern Technical College
Georgia Piedmont Technical College
Gwinnett Technical College
Lanier Technical College
North Georgia Technical College
Oconee Fall Line Technical College
Ogeechee Technical College
Savannah Technical College
South Georgia Technical College
Southeastern Technical College
Southern Crescent Technical College
Southern Regional Technical College
West Georgia Technical College
Wiregrass Georgia Technical College


Wiregrass Technical Community College


A Transfer Pathway to Reignite Your Education and Future

Learn More
The Following Are Schools That Students Commonly Attend Prior to Transferring to DeVry:

The University System of Georgia

1At the time of application to the next credential level, an evaluation of qualifying transfer credit will occur and the most beneficial outcome will be applied.