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Current + Prospective Students

Student Resources and Services

We're at Your Service

If you have questions about your options and opportunities as a DeVry or Keller student, you've come to the right place. Here are some useful student resources that can help make your experience as easy and relevant as possible.

For additional support, please contact the Help Desk at 877-306-4283 or log in to the Student Portal.

Quick Links for Current Students
DeVry and Keller Mobile Apps

Trying to juggle school with your already-busy schedule? Access our eLearning platform, complete assignments, register for classes, view student finance info and more via our secure mobile app. 

On-Demand Tools and Support


Hit a roadblock on your assignment at 10 p.m.? We can help with on-demand tutoring.1 This convenient resource allows you to connect virtually with expert tutors 24/7 in a variety of subject areas, including writing assistance.

e-Textbooks and Audiobooks

Feeling stretched managing work, life and school? No problem. With e-books, you can access your textbooks when and where you want. Listen on your way to work, at your kid's practice or nearly anywhere.


Connect virtually with research consultants or dive into current resources, periodical databases, e-books and more 24/7 with our extensive digital library. Our real-time, chat-based reference service offers interactive sessions with DeVry librarians 55 hours per week, Monday through Sunday.

Our Online Learning Platform

At DeVry, we’re invested in student-focused technology designed to enhance your learning experience. Inspired by the modern business world, our online learning platform leverages intuitive tools in a collaborative environment to connect students to their peers and professors.

Student Services

Whether you are completing your degree online or in a hybrid format, our full range of student services can help provide you with the best possible educational experience. Tools and services include:

Academic Advising

If you experience difficulty in a course or have questions about program requirements, our academic advising service will support your efforts to successfully complete your program.

Financial Assistance 

Financial aidemployer education benefits and military pricing are just some of the ways we help make earning your degree more affordable. Financial advisors are available at every location and via phone to help you determine the best way to finance your education.

Career Services

From one-on-one career planning support to an exclusive job bank, we provide career services and strategies to help you leverage your education and hone your professional edge.

StudentLinc Student Assistance Program

Stay focused on your goals during difficult times with access to counseling professionals through StudentLinc. Discuss your academic, personal, family, financial or legal concerns and work together to find a solution. Resources are confidential and available to you as well as your family members.

Administrative Services 

Whether you are paying tuition, registering for courses or applying for financial aid, all administrative services can be handled either online or at your campus location. With offices that are staffed during the hours you attend class, we provide the kind of convenient service you need.

Computer and Technology Discounts

Whether you attend courses online or on campus, access to technology is important. Explore discounts available through HP and Microsoft.

1Each student is allotted 13 hours of tutoring per academic session through (available 24/7). Additional tutoring services are also available through