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10 Strange ICD-10 Codes for 2021 [Infographic]

By DeVry University

February 10, 2021
3 min read

When classifying medical procedures and illnesses, medical billing and coding professionals are tasked with selecting the right ICD-10 codes from approximately 68,000 available options. It’s a stark difference from the previous coding schema, ICD-9, which was phased out in 2015 with just 13,000 codes. And as you might imagine, some of today’s medical billing codes are not only highly specific, —they can also be a bit unusual.

Take a look at 10 of our favorite funny and strange ICD-10 codes in the infographic below.

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10 Strange ICD-10 Codes

W56.01: Bitten by Dolphin

Did you know that the bottlenose dolphin has between 80 and 100 teeth? Their conical-shaped teeth are ideal for catching fish and squid. If you should get in the way of an angry dolphin, however, that bite will be coded as a W56.01.

Y93.I1: Roller Coaster Riding

In a typical year, it is estimated that 300 million people around the world ride roller coasters on an annual basis. Amazingly, despite the velocity, loop-de-loops and harsh curves, only one injury occurs per one million rides. No matter the rarity, there’s still a code for that. It’s Y93.I1.

Y93.J1: Piano Playing

Becoming a virtuoso is not without its perils. In fact, neck pain is among the most commonly reported injury among professional pianists. Considered a “playing-related musculoskeletal disorder,” neck pain tends to be more prevalent in musicians with smaller hands. Document it as medical billing code number Y93.J1.

V97.21: Parachutist Entangled in Object

In 2019, the United States Parachute Association reported 2,522 skydiving injuries over the course of approximately 3.3 million skydives. That’s about 1 injury per every 1,310 jumps. Consider that when strapping on your parachute. If you end up entangled in a tree or other object, you’ll be coded as a V97.21.

W56.12: Struck by a Sea Lion

A male California sea lion can weigh up to 700 pounds and wield a powerful strike. If you find yourself in a rocky cove along the Pacific Coast, keep your distance from this protected species. Otherwise, you may need to be treated for a W56.12.

Z59.2: Discord with Neighbors

One in four Americans surveyed by have a long-running feud with someone living next to them. They argue about noise, trash, parking and more. It’s coded as Z59.2 if the situation impacts one (or both) of the neighbors’ health status.

Z62.891: Sibling Rivalry

Common causes of sibling rivalry include major life changes, jealousy and family dynamics. In some extreme cases, violence and injury occur. So can emotional trauma. No matter the details, when it affects an individual’s health it’s an ICD-10 code Z62.891.

V91.07XD: Burn Due to Water-Skis on Fire

Even experienced water-skiers can find themselves laid up after an unfortunate day on the lake. The most common injuries are sprains and strains. But should your skis actually catch on fire and burn you? Well, that’s a V91.07XD.

X.52: Prolonged Stay in Weightless Environment

The majority of us will never be classified as an X.52, but staying in space too long can be a serious concern for astronauts. Did you know the record holder for the most consecutive days spent in space is Russian cosmonaut, Valery Polyakov? He spent 438 days on the Mir Space Station, beginning in January 1994.

Y93.D1: Knitting and Crocheting

Knit one, purl two. That’s one of the most basic patterns a knitter can learn. Too much needlework, however, is not a good thing. The repetitive motions of knitting and crocheting can lead to tendonitis, carpel tunnel syndrome and blisters. One single medical billing code covers them all: Y93.D1.

Fascinated by These Strange ICD-10 Codes?

So are we. Contact us to learn how you can complete a Medical Billing and Coding certificate program 100% online in as little as 1 year.*

*Not including breaks. Assumes year-round, full-time enrollment. Additional program information may be found on our Degree Programs page.

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