The Business Intelligence and Analytics Management Specialization can be earned as a part of the following bachelor's degrees in business:
The Business Intelligence and Analytics Management Specialization can be earned as a part of the following bachelor's degrees in business:
Earn your Bachelor's Degree in Business with Business Intelligence and Analytics Management Specialization in as little as 2 years + 8 months* — or even more quickly with qualifying transfer credits. Or follow a normal schedule and complete your program in 4 years.**
*Minimum schedule does not include breaks and assumes 3 semesters of year-round, full-time enrollment in 12-19 credit hours a semester per 12-month period.
**Normal schedule assumes 2 semesters of enrollment in 12-19 credit hours per semester per 12-month period.
DeVry University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission (HLC), The University's Keller Graduate School of Management is included in this accreditation.
*Minimum schedule does not include breaks and assumes 3 semesters of year-round, full-time enrollment in 12-19 credit hours a semester per 12 month period.
**Normal schedule assumes 2 semesters of enrollment in 12-19 credit hours per semester per 12 month period.
1Conferral and Assessment Data - Available for all of DeVry and Keller's ACBSP accredited programs. For a full list of DeVry University's business and accounting degree programs accredited by ACBSP, please see the Accreditation page.