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Bachelor’s Degree Specialization in Business Analytics or Business Intelligence and Analytics Management

Immerse Yourself in Data

If you love the idea of using big data analytics to solve business problems, a Bachelor’s Degree with a Specialization in Business Analytics or Business Intelligence and Analytics Management from DeVry could be the right fit for you. In either of these specializations, you’ll uncover business trends with big data and the kind of information used to help organizations grow.

The Business Analytics Specialization can be earned as a part of the following bachelor's degrees in business:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Technical Management

The Business Intelligence and Analytics Management Specialization can be earned as a part of the following bachelor's degrees in business:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

Get To Know the Analytics Specializations

Data generated from sources like smartphones and e-commerce create opportunities for those who understand how to use advanced tools and tech to process and manage information. A Business Analytics or Business Intelligence and Analytics Specialization gives you an opportunity to get in the data analytics management game. You can learn about analytical tools and how to apply them. The curriculum will immerse you in the essential aspects of the field, including applications, databases and data modeling, as well as related topics such as accounting, electronic business management and e-commerce. You’ll be taught by knowledgeable faculty who can give you real-world knowledge in topics such as supply chain support, database concepts, managerial and business applications for data analytics and more.

Classes Start Every 8 Weeks

Earn your Bachelor's Degree in Business with Business Intelligence and Analytics Management Specialization in as little as 2 years + 8 months* — or even more quickly with qualifying transfer credits. Or follow a normal schedule and complete your program in 4 years.**

*Minimum schedule does not include breaks and assumes 3 semesters of year-round, full-time enrollment in 12-19 credit hours a semester per 12-month period.
**Normal schedule assumes 2 semesters of enrollment in 12-19 credit hours per semester per 12-month period.
Minimum Completion Time*
2 years
8 months
Normal Completion Time**
4 years


Earn your Bachelor's Degree with a Business Analytics or Business Intelligence and Analytics Management Specialization in as little as 2 years + 8 months*—or even more quickly with qualifying transfer credits. Or, follow a normal schedule and complete your program in 4 years.** 

*Minimum schedule does not include breaks and assumes 3 semesters of year-round, full-time enrollment in 12-19 credit hours a semester per 12-month period.
**Normal schedule assumes 2 semesters of enrollment in 12-19 credit hours per semester per 12-month period.

Knowledge & Skills

What You'll Learn

The Business Analytics and Business Intelligence and Analytics Management Specializations cover the following:

  • Analysis and Execution
    Understand how to interpret business needs to choose applications and define operational requirements.
  • Technical Skills
    Explore ways to use software packages to analyze financial data, see trends, create portfolios and make forecasts.
  • Information Technology Administration & Management
    Understand business and management principles involved in IT infrastructure, information security, cyber-security, strategic planning and resource allocation.
  • Critical Thinking
    Learn how to use logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.
  • Judgment and Decision Making
    Consider the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to make the most appropriate choice.
  • Complex Problem-Solving
    Apply critical and analytical thinking to identify complex problems, evaluate options and implement solutions.

Accreditation and Recognition Matter

Being accredited means we’ve met rigorous quality standards and are committed to giving you the education you deserve.  We're proud to be accredited by The Higher Learning Commission (HLC), Higher Learning Commission -

Our Bachelor’s Degrees in Business Administration, Business Management and Technical Management with Specializations in Business Analytics or Business Intelligence and Analytics Management are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs

DeVry University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission (HLC), The University's Keller Graduate School of Management is included in this accreditation.


Student Achievement

Career Opportunities in Business Analytics

Graduates of our Business Analytics and Business Intelligence and Analytics Management Program Specializations may consider the following careers:
  • Business Analyst

  • Business Analysis Manager

  • Business Intelligence Administrator

  • Business Intelligence Analyst

  • Business Intelligence Developer

  • Business Intelligence Manager

  • Financial Analyst

  • Marketing Analyst

Becoming a Business Analyst

The use of business intelligence has seen a surge in recent years, and it will only continue to grow.  To learn more about a potential career as a business intelligence analyst, let’s discuss what business intelligence analysts do, who they report to, whether you’d be a good fit for the job and how you can become one.

Academic Catalog
2023 - 2024 Academic Catalog
Program Guides
Business Management: Business Analytics
Technical Management: Business Analytics
Business Administration: Business Intelligence and Analytics Management

*Minimum schedule does not include breaks and assumes 3 semesters of year-round, full-time enrollment in 12-19 credit hours a semester per 12 month period.
**Normal schedule assumes 2 semesters of enrollment in 12-19 credit hours per semester per 12 month period. 
1Conferral and Assessment Data - Available for all of DeVry and Keller's ACBSP accredited programs. For a full list of DeVry University's business and accounting degree programs accredited by ACBSP, please see the Accreditation page.