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Information Technology and Networking

Bachelor’s Degree Specialization in Mobile and Networked Devices

Let's Get Connected

Smart devices are all around us. From fridges that display the weather to light bulbs that turn on with a voice command, it’s possible to turn anything into a smart device thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT).

If you’re passionate about technology and fascinated by smart devices, a Mobile and Networked Devices Degree Specialization from DeVry University is a great way to gather a unique perspective into this field. This hybrid1 or online program specialization builds upon concepts in the Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology and Networking program, teaching you how devices connect, collect data and talk to each other.

Get to Know Our Mobile and Networked Devices Program Specialization

Through our degree specialization in Mobile and Networked Devices, you’ll learn concepts and techniques to navigate information technology and mobility, networked devices and embedded systems, the ecosystem of the IoT, information security and mobile devices.

Classes Start Every 8 Weeks
Why DeVry?

Why Choose Mobile and Networked Devices (MND) at DeVry

Work With IoT Technologies & Systems

Immerse yourself in the Internet of Things (IoT) world and obtain hands-on experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems.

Certification Exam Reimbursement

Several of our tech programs are designed with industry-recognized certifications in mind. Qualified students may receive up to a $300 reimbursement for the cost of one exam attempt across a wide range of certifications:


CompTIA A+
CompTIA Linux+
CompTIA Network+
CompTIA Cloud Essentials+

Other certifications may also be eligible for reimbursement. Speak to your Student Support Advisor for additional information.

Complimentary Laptop

You’ll get a complimentary laptop as part of your technology program2. It’s our way of investing in your education—and you.

Questions for our admissions team?
Mobile and Networked Devices (MND) Specialization Program
Minimum Completion Time*
2 years
8 months
Normal Completion Time**
4 years


Choose the schedule that best fits your goals and commitments. You can earn your Bachelor's Degree in as few as 2 years 8 months.*

Or, follow a normal schedule and complete your program in 4 years.**

*Minimum schedule does not include breaks and assumes 3 semesters of year-round, full-time enrollment in 12-19 credit hours a semester per 12-month period.

**Normal schedule does not include breaks and assumes 2 semesters of enrollment in 12-19 credit hours per semester per 12-month period.

Knowledge & Skills

What You'll Learn

The Mobile and Networked Devices Specialization covers the following:

  • Network devices
    Explore networked devices and programming techniques that make up operational terminal points. Learn about wired and wireless technologies, wearable computers that can access the Internet, and small devices embedded in larger machines.
  • IoT systems
    Explore digital concepts, devices and connectivity within the realm of the Internet of Things (IoT). Learn the basics of networking, computing, and digital devices while deriving IoT solutions to solve problems.
  • Data Analysis
    Learn to draw conclusions by finding patterns and relationships in numerical data with tools used for statistical analysis. Find out how data analysis can be used to make more efficient databases.
  • Big Data and Wireless Connectivity
    Examine IoT architecture and analyze big data and wireless connectivity of machine-to-machine communication.
Embedded Programs

Embedded Programs - Demonstrate Skills at Every Step

Interested in earning two additional credentials while acquiring your Information Technology & Networking bachelor’s degree? Our unique 3-in-1 design allows all courses in our Networking Essentials certificate program and Information Technology and Networking associate degree to be included within this program,3 giving you the opportunity to earn a certificate and an associate degree on the way to your bachelor's degree.

Credit Hours^
Credit Hours
Credit Hours


^The figures displayed represent the minimum credit hours required for graduation. Additional coursework may be necessary to complete program requirements.


Career Opportunities in IOT Mobile & Networked Devices

Graduates of our Mobile and Networked Devices Program Specialization may consider careers such as:
  • Mobile and Wireless Device Technologist
    Build and maintain cell towers, creating wireless networks, and fixing system, software, or hardware issues that arise.

  • Mobile Device Administrator
    Administer, implement, support and manage LAN and VoIP network infrastructure, and unified communications infrastructure and make recommendations for enhancements to ensure related systems are scalable and resilient.

  • Computer and Information Systems Managers
    Plan, direct, or coordinate activities in fields such as electronic data processing, information systems, systems analysis, and computer programming.

  • Network and Computer Systems Administrators
    Install, configure, and maintain an organization's local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), data communications network, operating systems, and physical and virtual servers.

  • Computer Systems Analyst
    Work alongside engineers and developers to help build efficient computer elements into devices.

  • Computer System Architects
    Design and implement computer and information networks, such as local area networks (LAN), wide area networks (WAN), intranets, extranets, and other data communications networks. Perform network modeling, analysis, and planning, including analysis of capacity needs for network infrastructures.
Academic Catalog
2023 - 2024 Academic Catalog
Program Guide
Program Overview

*Minimum schedule does not include breaks and assumes 3 semesters of year-round, full-time enrollment in 12-19 credit hours a semester per 12-month period.

**Normal schedule does not include breaks and assumes 2 semesters of enrollment in 12-19 credit hours per semester per 12-month period.

1Program, course, and extended classroom availability vary by location. In site-based programs, students will be required to take a substantial amount of coursework online to complete their program.

2As part of this program, one complimentary laptop is provided to students enrolled in the Associate in Information Technology and Networking, Associate in Engineering Technology, Associate in Cybersecurity and Networking, Bachelor’s in Information Technology and Networking, Bachelor’s in Software Development, Bachelor’s in Engineering Technology, Bachelor’s in Cybersecurity and Networking and Bachelor’s in Computer Information Systems. The laptop is issued during the student’s second session. Certain restrictions apply.

3Future programmatic changes could impact the ability to earn additional credentials en route to an eligible degree program. Refer to the academic catalog for details.

All students enrolled in site-based programs will be required to take some coursework online and, for some programs and locations, a substantial portion of the program may be required to be completed online.