We make every effort to make education more affordable for you and your employee learners through financial aid*, workforce development grants, your own tuition benefits program and our innovative DeVry Completion Grant.**
A complimentary laptop computer2 is provided to students enrolled in certain associate and bachelor’s degree programs, and discounts through Microsoft and HP help students gain access to the technology tools, like computers, printers and software applications, that keep them engaged and learning.
When students have questions about program requirements or difficulty in a course, our academic advisory service supports their efforts to successfully complete their programs.
The StudentLinc confidential counseling service helps students stay focused on their academic goals during difficult academic, personal or financial times, and is available to family members as well as students.
2One complimentary laptop is provided to students enrolled in the Associate in Cybersecurity and Networking, Associate in Information Technology and Networking, Associate in Engineering Technology, Bachelor’s of Information Technology and Networking, Bachelor’s of Software Development, Bachelor’s of Engineering Technology, Bachelor’s of Network and Communications Management and Bachelor’s of Computer Information Systems. The laptop is issued during the student’s second session. Certain restrictions apply.
*Students may participate in only one DeVry University-based scholarship, grant or group tuition benefit program at a time. Those who qualify for more than one program will be presumed to accept the program with the highest reduction in by- session cost. Students who qualify for and prefer a different tuition benefit program must confirm, in writing, the alternate program in which they wish to participate prior to starting classes at DeVry. Scholarship and grant terms and eligibility conditions are subject to change. Scholarships are available to those who apply and qualify. Click here for more information
** The DeVry Completion Grant will not cover optional bookstore charges. Grants and scholarships are available to those who apply and qualify. Employer tuition benefits vary based on your organization's policy and timeframe and program of enrollment. DeVry may cover remaining mandatory tuition and fees at the time of completion and all eligibility requirements have been met. Visit https://www.devry.edu/completiongrant.html for complete details and eligibility requirements.