Low-Cost or No-Cost Education

DeVry Completion Grant

The Pathway to a Little-to-No Debt Education

As a leader, you can help close the opportunity gap and create development opportunities for all levels of employees by modifying a game-changing component to your tuition program. 

By partnering with DeVryWorks and offering the DeVry Completion Grant to your team members, you can help team members take advantage of your tuition benefits program by reducing or eliminating employees’ reliance on student loans. 

What is the DeVry Completion Grant?

The DeVry Completion Grant is designed to reduce tuition debt and help qualifying students pursue their educational aspirations more affordably.   

How does the DeVry Completion Grant work? 

The grant covers the cost of tuition and fees* remaining on a student’s account after other financial assistance such as tuition assistance, and grant aid, such as Pell grants and other federal and state-provided financial aid or scholarships have been applied.

Here’s an example:

completion grant

Become a Completion Grant Partner Today

Lauren Carr, SVP of HR at Microchip Talks DeVryWorks Completion Grant

By partnering with DeVryWorks, Microchip Technology team members can use their employer tuition benefits, offered by Microchip, and the DeVry Completion Grant makes up the difference.

These are just a few of the tools for success that are available to you, making higher education more accessible and financially attainable. Hear from Senior Vice President of Human Resources, Lauren Carr, on how this program has led to employee retention, organizational growth and more.

Benefits for employers and employees:

The DeVry Completion Grant covers most or all outstanding costs of program tuition and fees for the employee, after the employer’s regular tuition assistance contribution. Through DeVry’s Direct Bill Plan the employer or a third party is able to delay full payment of the eligible tuition and fees.  See below for a list of benefits for the student and employer.

Employee / Student
Reduces barriers to entry for education
Low-to-no-debt path to education
Digestible schedule of academic programming for work / life / school balance
Professional development in skills relevant to your organization's talent needs
Creates more equitable access to education for all levels of talent
Employer Partner
Cost neutral learning & development solution
Increased retention during employee's enrollment at DeVry and Keller
Controlled skill building by relevant program selection
Employment branding benefits (promoting this low-to-no debt option) for candidates
Direct-pay to DeVry eliminates payment responsibility for the employee

Have more questions?

Reach out now and we will personally assist you.

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Eligibility & Enrollment

Completion Grant Details

*Fees include course resource fee, learning management system (LMS) access fee, student services charge and eBooks. Please note the Completion Grant will not cover optional bookstore charges.
**Expected Family Contribution (EFC) serves as an index number that determines your eligibility for federal student financial aid. This number is derived from the information you provide in your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form.