
An Overview of DeVry Scholarships and Scholars Programs

Your team is looking to advance their careers by getting the skills they need to help drive your business forward. And you're invested in their success. Through scholarships and grants, along with unique Scholars programs, DeVry University can help you address three key areas of success: affordability of skill development, supporting underrepresented groups and providing a supportive community of peers and mentors.

DeVry Scholarships and Grants

We offer four school-based scholarships and two grants across a variety of disciplines. Please note that only degree-seeking students who are U.S. citizens or residents, or Canadian citizens, are eligible (unless otherwise stated below). Applicants must also meet standard placement criteria in both math and English. Recipients must enroll within two terms of receiving a scholarship or grant and maintain continuous enrollment with good academic standing. Students are responsible for all educational expenses not covered by their scholarship or grant, and those who are eligible for multiple pricing programs will receive whichever one is most beneficial to them.

Scholarship Program

Women+Tech Scholarship

Female-identifying students who enroll in an eligible Engineering or Information Sciences program may receive up to $1,500 per semester. The maximum total scholarship amount depends on the level of the program. Students will also receive a one-time $400 grant to pay for the Learning Management System (LMS) Access Fee.

Learn more about
Women+Tech Scholarship
Scholarship Program

Business Edge Scholarship

This scholarship is available to qualifying students, including international citizens on a qualifying visa, who enter with and maintain a GPA of at least 2.5. Students must enroll in a tech-based business program leading to a bachelor’s degree. The full lifetime award is $7,000.

Learn more about
Business Edge Scholarship

Opportunity Grant

Available to qualifying international students on a qualifying visa as well as U.S. and Canadian citizens, this one-time award offers $500 for the student’s first semester in any certificate, associate or bachelor’s degree program.

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Opportunity Grant
Scholarship Program

Future-Ready Transfer Scholarship

This scholarship is for associate degree seekers with at least six qualifying transfer credits or bachelor’s degree seekers with at least 30 qualifying transfer credits. Students will receive $500 (for associate degrees) or $1,000 (for bachelor’s degrees) in their first session, with the remaining proceeds available for their last six credits (associate) or 12 credits (bachelor’s).

Scholarship Program

Dennis Keller Scholarship

Qualified incoming graduate students, including international students on a qualifying visa, are eligible for this scholarship with a prior GPA of at least 2.8. The specific dollar amount is tied to the incoming GPA. Students must maintain a GPA of at least 3.0 throughout their program.

Learn More About
Dennis Keller Scholarship
Dennis Keller Scholarship

Tech Essentials Grant

For Qualified Undergraduate Students

With the Tech Essentials Grant, DeVry University offers qualifying students the additional financial assistance to pursue their interest in the growing field of technology.

This grant award program is available to new and readmit undergraduate students and offers $2,400 toward the cost of your IT Essentials, Networking Essentials and Programming Essentials Certificate programs. Specific eligibility criteria apply; see award details below.

Learn More About
Tech Essentials Grant

Scholars Program

Future Cyber Defenders Scholars Program    

For Qualified Transfer Students

Cybersecurity jobs are expected to grow 35% on a national level by 20314 – and tech-savvy professionals are needed to fill the void. Take your ambition to the next level with a scholars program designed to help you build your network, boost your skills and pursue the career you want. 


DeVry Scholars Programs1

Our Scholars programs are designed to help support individuals continue on with their development and learning by providing close-knit communities of like-minded students and mentors.

Scholars Program

Women+Tech Scholars Program

Women remain vastly underrepresented in tech careers2, and our program is designed to help them meet and overcome the challenges they will face. Qualifying female-identifying students in a qualifying tech program at any level (certificate, associate or bachelor’s degree3) are invited to join. Benefits include mentorships, leadership development programs, an automatic enrollment in CompTIA Basic Student Membership and early access to internships and job opportunities.

Learn more about
Women+Tech Scholars Program
Scholars Program

NextGen Hispanic Scholars Program

Hispanic students are also quite underrepresented in STEM fields4, and our programs seeks to help close the gap. Qualifying Hispanic-identifying students in qualifying undergraduate or graduate degree programs4 (except graduate certificate programs) are invited to join. Benefits include mentorships, leadership training, early access to job opportunities and automatic enrollment in CompTIA Basic Student Membership.

Our Difference

No matter your industry, you're looking for engaged teams with future-ready skills to help keep your business advancing. Our DeVryWorks consultants can help identify scholarships and scholars programs, as well as, design unique programs for your business to help your team gain the skills they need to become your next generation of leaders. Let us show you how DeVryWorks can help make a difference.

Students may participate in one DeVry-based scholars program only. Those who qualify for more than one program will be presumed to accept the program that is most beneficial for them. Students who qualify for multiple programs must confirm, in writing, the scholars program in which they wish to participate prior to starting classes at DeVry University.
2 NCWIT Scorecard: The Status of Women in Computing [2020 Update]
3 Qualifying degree and certificate programs include: associate degree programs in Engineering Technology, Information Technology and Networking or Network Systems Administration; bachelor’s degree programs in Computer Information Systems, Engineering Technology, Information Technology and Networking, Network and Communications Management or Software Development; and certificate programs in Cyber Security, Data Mining and Analytics, Software Design and Solutions, Web Mobile Application Development, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Information Technology Essentials, Networking Essentials or Programming Essentials.
4 Qualifying degree and certificate programs include DeVry’s  Bachelor’s in Computer Information Systems, Bachelor’s in Engineering Technology, Bachelor’s in Information Technology & Networking, Bachelor’s in Network & Communications Management, Bachelor’s in Software Development, Associate in Engineering Technology, Associate in Information Technology & Networking, Associate in Network Systems Administration, Cyber Security Certificate, Cloud Computing Certificate, Data Mining & Analytics, Internet of Things Certificate, Software Design & Solutions Certificate, Web & Mobile Application Development Certificate, Information Technology Essentials Certificate, Networking Essentials Certificate and our Programming Essentials Certificate.
4 Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering.